さらに詳しくは下部にある「 Wikipedia 」を参照されたし。
以下は「 船戸和弥のHP 」の解説文の一部となる。
「その( 頚動脈三角の )中央辺は総頚動脈が甲状軟骨の上縁の高さで内、外頚動脈に分岐する位置に相当し( 頚動脈分岐部 )、強い拍動がふれられる。頚動脈はさらに 上甲状腺動脈・上行咽頭動脈・舌動脈・顔面動脈 に分岐する。」

以下は頚部の三角状のくぼみを簡単に表したものとなる。※ 全てを記していない可能性もある。
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The carotid triangle ( or superior carotid triangle ) is a portion of the anterior triangle of the neck.
【 Coverings and boundaries 】
It is bounded :
- ・ Posteriorly by the anterior border of the Sternocleidomastoid ( 胸鎖乳突筋(前縁));
- ・ Anteroinferiorly, by the superior belly of the Omohyoid ( 肩甲舌骨筋(上腹)).
- ・ Superiorly by the posterior belly of the digastric muscle ( 顎二腹筋(後腹)).
It is ( covered ) by the integument, superficial fascia, Platysma and deep fascia ; ramifying in which are branches of the facial and cutaneous cervical nerves.
Its floor is formed by parts of the
The external and internal carotids lie side by side, the external being the more anterior of the two.
The following branches of the external carotid are also met with in this space :
The veins met with are :
- ・ the internal jugular vein ( 内頚静脈 ),
- which lies on the lateral side of the common and internal carotid arteries ;
- and veins corresponding to the above-mentioned branches of the external carotid—viz.,
...all of which end in the internal jugular vein.
【 語 句 】
・ascending pharyngeal vein :上行咽頭静脈?
【 Nerves 】
Superficial to the carotid sheath lies the hypoglossal nerve and ansa cervicalis of the cervical plexus.
The hypoglossal nerve crosses both the internal and external carotids, curving around the origin of the occipital artery.
Within the sheath, between the artery and vein, and behind both, is the vagus nerve; behind the sheath, the sympathetic trunk.
On the lateral side of the vessels, the accessory nerve runs for a short distance before it pierces the Sternocleidomastoideus ; and on the medial side of the external carotid, just below the hyoid bone, the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve may be seen ; and, still more inferiorly, the external branch of the same nerve.
【 Other contents 】
The upper portion of the larynx and lower portion of the pharynx are also found in the front part of this space.」
【 語 句 】
・carotid sheath:頚動脈鞘 ・hypoglossal nerve:舌下神経 ・ansa cervicalis:頚神経ワナ ・cervical plexus: ・vagus nerve:迷走神経 ・sympathetic trunk: ・accessory nerve: ・pierces: ・superior laryngeal nerve: ・larynx: ・pharynx:
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